Tag Archives: stories

Shrove Tuesday – getting ready for Lent


Lent starts with a big party called Fat Tuesday! #MardiGras

Two weeks from everywhere

lent_5576cIt hardly seems possible, but tomorrow is the first day of Lent for 2013.  It seems to have crept up quickly on us this year, but that may only be because Easter is in March this year for the first time since 2008. I haven’t really given much thought so far this year as to what I’m going to do or not do as I observe Lent this year. This may be a good thing, because perhaps there are times when I put too much thinking into the whole thing and never really benefit too much from it all.

Last year I published a post outlining some of the things I wanted to do for Lent. I think I managed most of them, but I’m not sure that at the end of it all there was much change in the way I lived my life. So, this year I’m going…

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Heads UP! Welcome Meteor/Asteroid and Party Crashers


Meteors & Comets?

Susie Lindau's Wild Ride

meteor 1

The Ultimate Wild Ride!

There is a 150 foot meteor/asteroid racing towards us at alarming speed, no lie, and it is supposed to come within 17,200 miles of Earth on February 15!

What is alarming about this event is not that it could easily knock out satellites nor that it will be a lot closer to us than the moon nor that it could wreak all kinds of havoc with our electronics nor that it could actually smack our planet. No. What is really alarming, is how our experts can’t decide whether to call it a meteoror an asteroid!

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Is Your Relationship Being Run by A 5 Year Old?


Valentines Day?

My Rivendell

Relationships…we live in them, from them and for them.  We fight for them, we hurt because of them and we hardly ever look any closer than that.

Whoa…I just slipped that in there didn’t I?

I know this Valentine’s Day many people will be celebrating with their partner the love they have cultivated with one another.  Others will be lamenting over lost loves, bad relationshipsbroken and the lack of any ‘good’ people left.  They might even beat themselves up and figure there is something ‘wrong’ with them (there ISN”T). 

Listen, you have to know that when you are younger your relationship expectations were learned.  The problem of course is our experiences were rather limited. 

Imagine if the first person you ever crushed on was the one that you ended up basing all future expectations of what a relationship was like on.  Ohh…right…you kind of do.

Wait..it gets better.  It actually goes much MUCH further back.  (How

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Where I’ve Been

Where I’ve Been

This isn’t some stuffy essay (er…blog) about How I Spent My Christmas Vacation, on the contrary, it will be a very honest account of how many times I went up and down Fifth Ave in NYC, looking at all the Christmas window displays!  Let’s not forget how many times I stared at Rockefeller Plaza, gawking at the ice skaters, amazed at the Christmas Tree. Never mind all the lights on the tree, but all the tourists whose smiles were brighter than the season itself.  Spectacular. The break-dancers amazed, and were extra sweet, hugging me when I joyfully shouted, “Merry Christmas from New York”!

I couldn’t get enough, I was like….well a kid at Christmas!

St Patrick’s Cathedral captured my heart as well, with as many visits as possible, and visiting the famous crèche, albeit, the Baby Jesus was in its cradle Christmas Day (not before).  I visited every Saint, and marveled at all the prayer candles lit by the faithful, and the curious; then there was the Virgin of Guadalupe brimming with so many flowers, that the mere aroma intoxicated the alter with at least a thousand fragrance.  The special chapel devoted to Miraculous Mary, allows no pictures, and is almost silent with reverence when the Rosary is not taking place.  Every one had a special request at this  church, a Cathedral, but my presence was only to say one thing.

Thank You for letting me see another Christmas, and Holiday Season, in the craziest, most dynamic, diversified, beautiful city that I called home for most of my life!  Gratitude.  Total respect.  Organic?  Yes, organic.  The reason I shout out about organic was a trip to the hospital, after finding out that I had renal failure; not one kidney failed, but two (of course NYers have to go all the way)!

No one knows how my disease came about, except that stress is a killer, and at times silently catching up to all our hard work, and efforts.  So, I say to you that seeing NYC at Christmas was as marvelous, as being given a second chance at life, especially to shout out about organics, everything that you eat, drink, and stress out about.

Of course, I was with many helpful friends this past year (what I call my recovery year); people came out of no where, as though guided by my very Angels to speak to me, and teach me about my best approach to health.  If you didn’t know, kidney disease doesn’t just go away, it’s something that hangs around to remind you of your new limitations.  Eventually, if you get the right doses of rest, relax, and more, you will start to feel better; and those whopping episodes of fatigue will in themselves, perhaps become a memory of the past.

My Doctors,  who I owe so many thanks, an incredible team that will always be in my heart (I hope to inspire them about meditating, and the values of  organics),  and who are still part of my well care health regimen.  I learned so much from those guys, and what a humble bunch they are!

Whether I was at Bryant Park, Brooklyn, my old college, having a reunion with my BFF from high school, at every single moment I was at a very special place, called gratitude.